1) enable remote destop
unsing GUI to activate VNC
System -> Preference -> Remote Destop
2) Create Accoung
$ su
$ useradd test_account
$ passwd test_account
$ su test_account
$ vncpasswd // create an forder of /home/test_account/.vnc
$ vi ~test_account/.vnc/xstartup
exec gnome-session //only left this line and comment all other thing
3) open VNC port
$ vi /etc/sysconfig/iptable // open 5901
$ /etc/init.d/iptables restart
$ netstat -tu| pn | less //check port
4) edit vncservers script
$ vi /etc/sysconfig/vncservers
VNCSERVERARG[1]="-geometry 1027x768 -depth 16"
5) start VNC
$ /sbin/service vncserver restart
6) let vnc deamon auto-start when power on
$ /usr/sbin/ntsysv
check vncserver
link to vnc
linux -> $ vncviewer
WindowsXP -> RealVNC (Free)
Windows 7 -> UltraVNC (Free)