When you declare enum boolean { true, false }
, you declare a type called enum boolean
. That the name you'll have to use after that declaration: enum boolean
, not just boolean
If you want a shorter name (like just boolean
), you'll have to define it as an alias for the original full name
typedef enum boolean boolean;
If you wish, you can declare both the enum boolean
type and the boolean
alias on one declaration
typedef enum boolean { true, false } boolean;
In C, there are two (actually more, but i keep it at this) kind of namespaces: Ordinary identifiers, and tag identifiers. A struct, union or enum declaration introduces a tag identifier:
enum boolean { true, false };
enum boolean bl = false;
The namespace from which the identifier is chosen is specified by the syntax around. Here, it is prepended by a enum
. If you want to introduce an ordinary identifier, put it inside a typedef declaration
typedef enum { true, false } boolean;
boolean bl = false;
Ordinary identifiers don't need special syntax. You may declare a tag and ordinary one too, if you like.